Here is where you get the file sharing app (for patches and linux ISOs):
If you want to play old DOS Games, you'll need DOSBox:
First load up DOSBox
In order to join DOS multiplayer games, type the following:
ipxnet connect
You'll also need to mount your drives. Here is an example of how to mount a folder:
mount E E:\
If you do that, it will let you access your E drive by typing in the following:
FYI, here are a few tricks for DOS in case you've forgotten how to get around:
cd FOLDER - this navigates you to that FOLDER
dir/p - this lets you see a list of the files/folders in your current directory
So, you want to be a nice person and try to not hog all the internet. Doesn't really matter, everyone's probably banned from Rocket League, anyway. But still, you like to keep it Classy.
To check your settings, run a command prompt as administrator and then run:
netsh interface tcp show global
Here, you're looking for your Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level. If it's "disabled", you're LAN-friendly. Otherwise, the following will make you LAN-friendly (changing the setting is really where you need your command prompt running as administrator):
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
Then, when you get back home and want your internet to be greedy:
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal