Posted June 02, 2018 at 11:38 PM by notaburger
Good news everyone! I apologize for the delay, but CVGC 2018 is now finally set for September 1st, so you can mark your calendars, submit your time off requests, map out your training regimen, and prepare your liver accordingly. Let me start off with what is going to be different this year…..pretty much nothing. We hit a high mark last year and the goal for this year is going to be incremental improvements so that we can save most of our surprises for CVGC X in 2019. With that being said, that doesn’t mean that this isn’t going to be the best CVGC yet! Here’s the plan for this year:
- Raffle - In addition to the normal auction this year, I’m going to be raffling off a Super NES Classic. Yes, I know that this isn’t nearly as cool as the retropie that was auctioned off last year, but this little guy would make a great addition to a bedroom TV, playroom TV, garage TV, etc. To read up more on what it is, check this out (Seriously. Watch it.):
If nothing else, this is the ONLY way to technically own the last officially licensed SNES game ever released, Star Fox 2! Ignore the fact that the game is hot garbage and jump aboard the hype train. Tickets for the raffle will be $5 each. That means that we need to sell roughly 15 tickets to break even. So, just remember, this is for a good cause. Plus it would look wicked sweet on the shelf next to your bathroom TV (it seems to me to be the most fitting place to play Earthbound).

- Goodies - We’ll be selling snacks again:
- Jerky from Jesse
- Candies from Erica
- BBQ from me
- plus probably a few additional surprises
- All priced at the low low price of pay-what-you-feel-is-fair.
- Shirts - We’ve tried this a few years in the past and it has ALWAYS fell to the side. Not this year (I hope). I’m going to try my hand at screen printing! No promises on the quality, but I’ll be selling shirts for $15 each (pending actual material costs).
- Games - We’re going to test drive a new idea this year. At least one of the rounds is going to have a theme. I will start to drop hints in the coming blog posts, but you’ll need to put on your Encyclopedia Brown Hat in order to catch them all. Good luck, and happy hunting.
- Charity - We’re still hunting one down. If you have any suggestions, just drop me a line.
Anywho, that's enough information for one day. Keep it locked here to learn more leading up to the event!
Fuzzy Pickles!