COVID Strikes Back

Rise of Delta

Posted August 16, 2021 at 2:46 PM by notaburger

I'm sorry everyone.  I tried to stay optimistic, but the world had other ideas.  Due to the rising cases of COVID, it seems irresponsible of me to try and put on CVGC this year.  To be honest, I'm less worried about the adults that would attend than I am the people down the line that could be infected should we spread something around (kids, grandparents, teachers, etc.).  It's just not worth the risk.

I know that I usually lace my messages with snark and silliness, but I'm not doing that this time.  Instead, I'll leave you with this:

  • If you haven't been vaccinated, please please please get vaccinated.  You can get information about the vaccines as well as find places to receive them here:
  • If you are vaccinated, please please please continue to wear your mask.  I know that it's a hassle, but it's a small price to pay if it helps us get this all under control.  For the latest from the CDC regarding mask guidelines, please see here: Your Guide to Masks | CDC
  • And, most importantly, please look out for each other.  The last year and a half has been hard on all of us, but it's been harder on some more than others.  For tips on how to spot issues and how to cope with the stress yourself, please see here: Coping with Stress | CDC
